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Monday 18 July 2011

Tata Announces, Tata Nano Flatpack House, World's Cheapest House, Tata Nano, Cheapest House, Nano House

Tata says the homes will be sold to those living in village areas and could also be sold to councils in bulk that are looking to build up areas. Mr Das also said the company was bouncing ideas off local councils to develop the most suitable style homes.

The houses are said to have a life expectancy of around 20 years.
Tata is also developing a larger 30 square metre home with optional extras, such as a front verandah and a solar energy system. Head of the house project at Tata, Sumitesh Das, recently said at the announcement, “We have already prepared two to three different designs based on discussions with users and are gathering more feedback. Hopefully, in the next six to eight months we should be able to roll it out in the market nationally.”


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