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Monday 18 July 2011

NRTIs Damage, DNA in Mitochondria, NRTIs Drugs, HIV AIDS, Cause Premature Aging, Dementia, Heart Diseases

 AIDS Drugs Linked to Premature Aging, Dementia, and Heart Disease: A study recently published in the journal Nature Geneticsexplains that nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, or NRTIs, which are drugs used primarily in Africa and other developing regions of the world to treat HIV and AIDS, are responsible for causing heart disease, dementia, premature aging, and other age-related illnesses.
(NaturalNews) A study recently published in the journal Nature Geneticsexplains that nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, or NRTIs, which are drugs used primarily in Africa and other developing regions of the world to treat HIV and AIDS, are responsible for causing heart disease, dementia, premature aging, and other age-related illnesses.
Scientists observed that the chemical compounds in NRTIs damage DNA in patients' mitochondria, which are the power producers for cells. When these important structural elements become harmed or destroyed, they are unable to produce energy for cells, which can lead to a host of health problems and eventually death.


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